Sunday, May 22, 2011

5.13 I can describe catayltic cracking of long-chain hydrocarbons

1.     What is a catalyst?
A substance that speeds up the experiment
2.     What is the purpose of the catalysts in the experiment? 
To speed up the experiment
3.     What is 'cracking' used for?
To break down long chain molecules into more shorter chain molecules
4.    What are the common catalysts used in this process?
Silica or Aluminum etc.
5.     What is the ceramic pot used for?
They are used as a catalyst to speed up the experiment
6.    What is the purpose of cracking the Hydrocarbons?
The useful hydrocarbons tend to be the shorter ones, however, when we have a longer-chained one, they go to waste but we can use this process to break the long chained molecules into the shorter and useful molecules.
7.    What gas Is produced from cracking paraffin?
     8.What do you have to look out for while carrying out the liquid paraffin experiment?
You have to very careful and avoid the water backfiring into the column or else an explosion will occur

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